Queens Traffic Violation Lawyers

Queens Traffic Violation Lawyers presents many unique challenges when it comes to traffic violations. As a result, any driver facing a ticket in this city should seek the advice of an experienced NYC traffic ticket attorney as soon as possible.

In NYC, a police officer has to meet a minimum burden of proof in order to convict you of a traffic violation. If an officer cannot do this, it’s likely your ticket will be dismissed by a judge. Our traffic lawyers know how to analyze the testimony of both the client (if applicable) and the officer who wrote the ticket in order to find omissions, contradictions or flaws in these accounts that may lead to dismissal of the charges.

Queens Traffic Violation Lawyers: Protecting Your Driving Privileges

It’s often tempting to simply pay a Queens traffic ticket and put it behind you, but this can have many hidden costs. For example, guilty pleas in Queens New York Traffic Court can result in points on your license that take years to come off and can significantly increase your car insurance rates.

Our top-rated Queens Traffic Ticket Attorneys are here to help you avoid costly fines, points on your license, and other negative consequences like suspension of your vehicle’s registration. All attorneys listed on this website are licensed by the State of New York and have extensive experience representing clients at traffic court hearings before a Queens Traffic Judge. Each lawyer’s profile includes their background, education, contact information and other details to help you select the best one for your situation.

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